Mid-West Mommy

My life as a mother, a wife, a farmer's daughter and a caretaker for my aging grandparents and the effects of Type One Diabetes on three generations of a Midwestern family.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Schedule

This is my life right now:

5:00 am: Wake up and use the bathroom.

6:30 am: Hit the snooze button.

6:45 am: Get out of bed, use the bathroom again. Check my urine for ketones by peeing on a plastic strip. Take shower and get dressed.

7:30 am: Stab my finger and test my blood sugar. Take a shot of insulin and measure out 30 grams of carbohydrates for breakfast. Eat breakfast and then pack a lunch that contains 75 grams of carbohydrates and two 15 grams of carbohydrates snacks for the day.

8:00am: Start 40 minute commute to work

8:40 am: Arrive at work 10 minutes late and put lunch and snack in the refrigerator. Start my day as a Mental Health Case Manager.

9:30 am: Stab finger and check blood sugar. If it is over 120 take insulin.

10:00 am: Eat first 15 grams of carbohydrate snack.

12:00 noon: Stab finger and test blood sugar. Take shot of insulin and eat 75 grams of carbohydrates for lunch.

2:00 pm: Stab finger and test blood sugar, adjust with insulin if it is over 120.

2:30pm: Eat second 15 grams of carbohydrate snack.

5:00pm: Drive home.

6:00pm: Arrive at home and start dinner.

6:30pm: Stab finger and check blood sugar. Take insulin and eat 75 grams of carbohydrates for

8:30pm: Stab finger and check blood sugar.

9:30pm: Have 15-30 grams of carbohydrates for a bedtime snack.

10:00pm: Take 24 hour long acting insulin.

10:30pm: Stab finger and check blood sugar before going to bed.

I have Type One Diabetes. I was diagnosed when I was 12 years old. Now I am 31 years old and seven and a half weeks pregnant with my first child.

My first challenge and responsibility as a mother is to keep my child safe from high blood sugar levels. So I follow the schedule that you see above. I have been following it religiously for the past three weeks since I found out that I was pregnant. I wanted to blog my experiences so that others in my situation would know that they are not alone. Because some days I feel horribly alone. And in some ways I am alone. I am the only one who can protect and nurture my child right now and I guess that is going to be the case for the rest of my life. There are certain things that only my mother could do for me and I am starting to understand that there are some things that only I can do for my child.


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